Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{121} He Heard It Still

artist: Maximilien Luce

author: John Greenleaf Whittier (The Tent on the Beach)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{117} Spiritual Swimming

artist: Nina Klein (@ninaklein___)

author: Wassily Kandinsky (Concerning the Spiritual in Art)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{112} We Prevailed

artist: Kofi Ofosu (@braku_star)

author: Amanda Gorman (The Hill We Climb)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{109} Art is Free

artist: Tess Smith-Roberts (@tesssmithroberts)

author: Wassily Kandinsky (Concerning the Spiritual in Art)

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