Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{97} Our Revolution

artist: Jermaine Rogers (@jermainerogersart)

author: Bernie Sanders (Our Revolution)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{95} The Great Resources

artist: Stephan Vanfleteren (@stephanvanfleteren)

author: Henry David Thoreau (Life Without Principles)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{94} Analog Childhood

artist: Miho Kajioka (@mihokajioka)

author: Edward Snowden (Permanent Record)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{93} Bribery

artists: Doodle Degenerate (@doodle_degenerate); Giuseppe Di Lernia (@giuseppedilernia)

authors: The House Judiciary Committee (Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{91} Forbidden Acts and Reasons

artist: Edel Rodriguez (@edelrodriguez)

authors: The House Judiciary Committee (Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{90} Cabin in the Rain

artist: Alejandro Gómez (@alejandrogomez)

author: Henry David Thoreau (Walden)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{89} The Art of Love

artist: Alphachanneling (@alphachanneling)

author: Hermann Hesse (Siddhartha)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{88} Struggle and Suffering

artist: Denis Sarazhin (@denis_sarazhin)

author: Roger Hazelton (A Theological Approach to Art)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{87} Frankenstein

artists: Fotograffika (@ftgrfk_); Unknown

author: Mary Shelley (Frankenstein)

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