Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

Trump’s Motives to Lie

artist: Matt Harrison Clough (@mattharrisonclough)

author: Barton Gellman (The Atlantic)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

Literature, Music, and Art

artist: Wenting Li (@wentingthings)

author: Wassily Kandinsky (Concerning the Spiritual in Art)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

Not Stopping

artist: Jack Vanzet (@jackvanzet)

author: Seth Rogan (GQ)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

Pulling Away

artist: Paw Grabowski (øjeRum) [@oejerum]

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

I Just Want to Live

artist: Tina Maria Elena Bak (@tinamariaelena)

author: Kedron Bryant

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

George Floyd

artist: Raman Djafari (@ramandjafari)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

Human-to-Human Healing

artist: Julia Soboleva (@juliasobolevaillustration)

author: Travis Christofferson (Curable)

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