Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{68} Colyalcolor

artist: Lucas Grogan (@xlucasgrogan)

author: Jack Kerouac (The Dharma Bums)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{67} Ageless Solitude

artist: Max Löffler (@haxloeffler)

author: Jack Kerouac (The Dharma Bums)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{66} Variety of Being

artist: Nicolò Canova (@nicolo_canova)

author: Ralph Waldo Emerson (Self-Reliance and Other Essays)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{63} Body, Spirit, Psyche

artist: Dhavebaj Anupabsthian (@dhavebaj)

author: Aldous Huxley (The Perennial Philosophy)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{62} Flux

artist: James R. Eads (

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{59} Reboot

artist: Alexa Drake (@leeeeksy)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{58} Orange

artists: Mike McQuade (@mikemcquade); Marcus Oakley (@marcus_oakley); Unknown

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{56} Rocket Feud

artists: Amer Karic (@visionglobedesign); Alex Fine (@alexfineillos)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

{52} Misplaced

artist: Andrew Faris (@andrewbfaris)

author: Erwin Schrödinger

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