{63} Body, Spirit, Psyche

“The body is always in time, the spirit is always timeless and the psyche is an amphibious creature compelled by the laws of man’s being to associate itself to some extent with its body, but capable, if it so desires, of experiencing and being identified with its spirit and, through its spirit, with the divine Ground.

“The spirit remains always what it eternally is; but man is so constituted that his psyche cannot always remain identified with the spirit.

“In the statement, ‘At one time I am eternal, at another time I am in time,’ the word ‘I’ stands for the psyche, which passes from time to eternity when it is identified with the spirit and passes again from eternity to time, either voluntarily or by involuntary necessity, when it chooses or is compelled to identify itself with the body.” — Aldous Huxley; The Perennial Philosophy, p, 187

Dhavebaj Anupabsthian

For more from the artist, click below:


{64} In Hiding


{62} Flux