{59} Reboot

I’ve, for a while, held an interest in visual art and its ability to convey concept and evoke an emotional response. My intention for Phantasm has always been to share art that I find compelling, but my execution in doing so has been unsettled.

Having taken time away from the inundating responsibility that managing Phantasm had become, I’ve come to a realization for how to resolve my intent with the gallery: replicate the modus operandi of a physical art gallery.

New artwork needs not to be exhibited—posted—every day, and every piece of artwork does not need to be tied with a quote, thought, personal briefing, or any description at all; art, barren, impels uninfluenced interpretation. Needless habits, like the ones mentioned, mire the hobby with a burden that recasts it as a chore.

This has been the maturation of Phantasm, and now it continues.

Alexa Drake

For more from the artist, click below:


{60} In Too Deep


{58} Orange