{6} Cannabis Activism

*1) The Seattle Hempfest begins today! And so in its honor, this next series will exhibit images of cannabis activism over the next three days. Also, if anybody knows the original artist of the work shown here, please let me know so that I can give proper credit to them.

*2) Hempfest was a super cool time today. The music rocked, the speakers were interesting, and the people, as expected, were all friendly and chill. Go check it out if you’re in the Seattle area! Tomorrow is the last day.

*3) I really hope that Corey Booker’s bill, the Marijuana Justice Act, will gain some traction in Congress. In short, the bill would “legalize marijuana, expunge federal marijuana convictions and penalize states with racially-disparate arrest or incarceration rates for marijuana-related crimes.”

*4) The war on drugs has affected millions of people and their families in the U.S. since its inception, and disproportionately so toward minorities. This is largely due to cannabis-related offenses, most of which are non-violent in nature. Let’s be active and work to eradicate the criminalization of a plant with which we share, and have shared for thousands of years, a wonderful symbiotic relationship with.

Ganja Graphics & Unknown Artist

For more from the artist, click below:


{7} Trail Hiking


{5} Peace