Maharaj-ji’s Feet

"We found Maharaj-ji inside the ashram, in a small room crowded with people…The other devotees made way for us, until I was sitting right next to the tukhat. Next to me, the principal of the local school was rubbing Maharaj-ji's feet.

"Two days earlier, I'd been appalled by these customs. Now I, too, yearned to rub Maharaj-ji's feet…When the principal got up to leave, I edged up to Maharaj-ji, excited and nervous, and gingerly began to rub his feet.

"After a few moments, Maharaj-ji withdrew his feet under the blanket. Immediately, I felt chastened. I saw that my efforts at devotion had come from my ego. I'd brought my achievement-motivated doing mind to something that was just pure being. My ego was up to its usual strategy of trying to achieve something or get some reward, and that was blocking the flow of love and energy from Maharaj-ji.

"This was a first taste of Maharaj-ji's subtle way of teaching. Later I learned that touching the feet is more than just a cultural custom. Spiritual energy from a saint or yogi flows through the feet." — Ram Dass; Being Ram Dass, p. 177-178

Denis Sarazhin

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