Enormous and Expansive

“I had forgotten about my job and all the things in my life that brought me stress—and with this obliteration of memories, I felt both relief and joy. I had spent a lifetime of 37 years being enthusiastically committed to ‘do-do-doing’ lots of stuff at a very fast pace. On this special day, I learned the meaning of simply ‘being.’

“When I lost my left hemisphere and its language centers, I also lost the clock that would break my moments into consecutive brief instances. Instead of having my moments prematurely stunted, they became open-ended, and I felt no rush to do anything.

“. . . I shifted from the doing-consciousness of my left brain to the being-consciousness of my right brain. I morphed from feeling small and isolated to feeling enormous and expansive.” — Jill Bolte Taylor; My Stroke of Insight, p. 68

Artist Unknown

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Maharaj-ji’s Feet


Calmly Pass Away