{82} Reflections

I’ve been reflecting on the vacation to Colorado and Nebraska that I recently returned home from and the following is most prevalent in my mind:

The gratitude I have for having a partner that makes traveling so enjoyable—from doodling in airplane magazines with me, to her self-sufficient socializing while I caught up with old friends.

The gratitude I have for friends so great that when we see each other, it’s as if we last saw one another the previous week, rather than the previous year.

The gratitude I have for my parents. Seeing my dad’s barn dream come to fruition, and his gratification with it and his newfound freedom as a retiree, warms me with such happiness. Oppositely, seeing my mom nearly severely injure herself during our vacation chilled me with a surreal, visceral fear. Seeing her in pain like that from an injury triggered unconditional love and concern to an extent that I’ve never experienced before. The vacation and its quality was the least of my worries, as my entire attention was toward my mom’s physical and emotional health. She was, thankfully, ok, but the experience has left me concerned about her and my dad’s wellbeing as they age and accidents as such happen.

The gratitude I have for life.

Jasmin Meier (Harley and J)

For more from the artist, click below:


{83} Being Good


{81} Obstruction of Justice