{2} Summer

*1) As this image hints toward, summer is the theme of this next series.

*2) It’s been 50 years since the summer of love in 1967! What a time of cultural change that was. And fifty years later, after a couple decades of stigmatization and oppression, it continues. I’m referring particularly to cognitive liberty, regarding the use of psychedelics and cannabis, but progress has continued similarly with issues like civil rights, sexual orientation, and environmental awareness. Here’s to continuing the effort, for the betterment of future generations.

*3) Sweating—everyone’s favorite aspect of summer and its heat.

*4) Another great piece today by @nikvanes depicting sunny summer.

*5) Bike riding with a friend at dusk.

*6) The color of the sky and silhouettes in this painting perfectly capture what a typical sunset at the end of a long summer day in Nebraska looks like. This painting also leads us into the next series, which is going to be midwest themed in honor of me growing up in Nebraska (and because I’ll be moving away a week from now).

*7) This has been a series on summer. The order of each piece in the series is meant to frame the progression through a typical day of summer, with its long hours of sunlight, and, of which is most intense—heat considered—during the midday.

Mark Henson & Nik van Es & Pascal Campion & Matt McCormick & Unknown Artist

For more from the artists, click below:


{3} Remembering Nebraska


{1} Initial Inspiration