{1} Initial Inspiration

*1) Here begins the first series—an exposition of the artist @penabranca and his work. One of my favorite artists, Bruno’s art is both mesmerizing and simplistic; a style unmatched by others. I have much of his art stored in my archives, so only a couple of my favorites of his will be exhibited over the next several days. This particular piece is not only my favorite of his, but of any piece of artwork that I’ve come across. It’s been the background image on my phone for years now, as a constant reminder that no feelings, situation, or circumstances are permanent; the energy of existence is infinitely changing forms.

*2) A representation of the psychedelic experience; coalesced unity from separateness.

*3) Further, further…

*4) Conscience: the intuitive eye that directs one towards honesty and truth; inherent in all of us, but often blinded by social and cultural conditioning, and greatly by the ego. If the self is able to recognize the selfish ego and its cravings, more likely the individual is to achieve a harmony between it and the selfless conscience during their existence.

*5) The image is a bit blurry due to being a still from an animation, but, nonetheless, it reminds me of The Great Gatsby, one of my favorite books and movies.

*6) Here concludes the first series, and its exhibition of @penabranca’s astounding work. The entire series is posted in whole here, and all subsequent series will follow this format of each piece being exhibited solely and successively, and at once together when the series has concluded. I hope everyone who has viewed and followed the gallery enjoyed this series, and enjoys future series to be curated and exhibited.

Bruno Penabranca

For more from the artist, click below:


{2} Summer