Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

Pleasant Surrender

artist: Patrick Beggan (@patbeggan)

author: Ernest Hemingway (The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

Crystalline Light!

artist: Ric (@ricgm)

author: Edgar Allan Poe (Edgar Allan Poe: Complete Poems)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

Teach and Allow

artist: Flo Ngala (@flongala)

author: Ta-Nehisi Coates (Between the World and Me)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art


artist: Beppe Giacobbe (@beppegiacobbe)

author: Sinister Pook

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

Foragers’ Egalitarianism

artist: Emma Roulette (@emma_roulette)

author: Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jethá (Sex at Dawn)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

Not a Hawk

artist: Tyler Scott (@tylerdscottt)

author: Ernest Hemingway (The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

One Great Creature

artist: Unknown

author: Henry David Thoreau (The Journal of Henry David Thoreau)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art


artist: Rachel Breeden (@circa78designs)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

Be Leonine

artist: Hanna Barczyk (@hannabarczyk)

author: Rumi (The Essential Rumi: Translated by Coleman Barks)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

The Times

artist: Hanna Luechtefeld (@hannaluechtefeld)

author: Charles Dickens (A Tale of Two Cities)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art


artist: Elsa Beskow

author: Mark Z. Danielewski (House of Leaves)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

Thousandth Reccurance

artist: Michael Kenna (@michaelkennaphoto)

author: Robert Frost (Frost: Poems selected by John Hollander)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

Love Is Love

artist: Jasmin Meier (@harleyandj)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

Accompanied Truth

artist: Anna Degnbol (@annadegnbol)

author: Albert Hofmann (Insight Outlook)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

Craving Summer

artist: Sophie Margolin (@sophie.margolin)

author: Edgar Allan Poe (Edgar Allan Poe: Complete Poems)

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Phantasm Gallery of Art Phantasm Gallery of Art

We Were All Fools

artist: Joey Colombo (@jcolomboart)

author: Stephen Vincent Benet (Everybody Was Very Nice)

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