Winter’s Darkness

"The undeniable hardship of this winter is a reminder that for much of human history, particularly in colder climates, winter was a season simply to be survived. Winter is a primal time of death and loss, and a time for grief. It reminds us that darkness, not only light, is part of the recurring rhythm of what it means to be human.

"For millenniums, during these months of darkness, humans have turned to rituals and stories to remind one another of hope and deeper truths.

"Even now, as winter arrives in the Northern Hemisphere, the devastation is interwoven with a promise that darkness may not last forever: The day the death toll in the United States passed 300,000 was also the day the country began inoculating health care workers from the virus." — Elizabeth Dias; The New York Times—How We Survive Winter

Tim Panagos

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Everything is Holy


Not Through the Machine