Trapped in Oneself

“She imagined a beam of white light shooting out of her forehead, an apology beam, charged with the notion I am so sorry, that traveled across town and crossed the river and roamed through the woods until it found the two guys and, having briefly paused above them because they looked so damned similar, entered the innocent one. Instantly he knew her.

“ . . . knowing her this completely, it all made sense to the guy. And there it was: forgiveness. That’s what forgiveness was. He was her.

Forgive my cousin, the beam said. As I have forgiven you.

“Oh, brother. In a pig’s ass.

You are trapped in you, the beam said.

“Yeah, well, who isn’t? she thought . . . That’s really the problem, though, isn’t it? she thought.

Yes, the beam said.” — George Saunders; Liberation Day—The Mom of Bold Action, p. 91-92

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World of Illusions