Time Poisoned

“Ivan Ilyich was left alone with the knowledge that his life had been poisoned for him, that it was poisoning the lives of others, and that this poison wasn’t losing its power but was penetrating his whole being more and more.

“And with this knowledge, with the physical pain, and with the terror, he had to get into bed and often be unable to sleep from the pain the greater part of the night.

“And the next morning he had to get up again, dress, go to court, talk, write, or if he didn’t go to court he had to stay at home with those twenty-four hours of the day, each one of which was a torment.

“And he had to live like that on the brink of the abyss, all alone, without a single person who could understand and take pity on him.” — Leo Tolstoy; The Death of Ivan Ilyich, p. 70

Señor Salme

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The Lie


The Nobility of Classics