Thoughts Aren’t Ours

"When your life becomes monotonous and loses its glimmer the mind is naturally less stimulated. Newness, of all kinds, helps keep the mind sharp. That's why art is so important. Like the creator itself, the artist pulls from the unseen depths of ones mind to receive guidance of creation.

"Interesting how thoughts are ours but we don't consciously choose them. Lately I've been toying with the mental experiment that our thoughts aren't ours. If I have a sudden thought to reach out to someone or see a fleeting name of an old friend on my mind, I act on it (call them, text them). Most times I'm met with a serendipitous situation. It's like there are angels laced into the air we breathe, entering from our breath into our thoughts trying to lead us to what is right and wrong." — (Sarah) Harvey Hale; Beginners Luck

Nicolò Canova

For more from the artist, click below:


Seeds in the Ground

