The Noosphere

"The expression sphere, noosphere, evokes the concept of a spiritual atmosphere invisibly flowing around our planet.

“We must recognize however, that what exists objectively speaking, of the noosphere in the outer space is itself only matter and energy. We can only find the symbols of the spirit in the outer space, mainly sound in the shape of the spoken word and of music, and as matter in the shape of books containing written words, and finally as matter in the shape of human artifacts—paintings, sculptures, architecture, etc.

“The noosphere, created from the contributions of innumerable individual people during the course of the evolution and history of mankind, exists today exclusively in the form of these material and energetic symbols in the outer space. It only becomes a mental reality in the inner space of the individual thanks to the decoding ability of his individual receiver." — Albert Hofmann; Insight Outlook, p. 12

John Speaker

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A Human Right


Nonspecific Amplifier