Terence McKenna

It was very special to join in on the Tribute to Terence McKenna virtual seminar held tonight on the twentieth anniversary of his passing (and which will continue tomorrow and the following two Saturdays). I hadn’t listened to, or read, Terence for years, so it was great to hear him speak again and be reminded of his brilliance as an articulate orator, storyteller and fascinator.

A great moment occurred during the Q&A dialogue between his brother Dennis and Erik Davis that followed Terence’s recorded lecture in which there was a technical glitch that seemed to affect Erik Davis’s microphone, causing a distorted and delayed echo of his voice. Appropriately, Erik had just spoken a little about his book High Weirdness and his postulation of such. Perhaps it was a meaningless audio glitch, or, as possibly, perhaps it was an indication that Terence and his essence was present with us.

Thank you to Mike Margolies, Psychedelic Seminars, the McKenna Academy, San Francisco Psychedelic Society, and everyone who participated and made possible this celebration and discussion of Terence and his ideas.

I was originally planning to make a communion with the mushrooms yesterday but, ultimately, decided that I’ll wait until a later date for doing so. This presentation tonight served as a fantastic and stimulating substitute for not having connected with the high fungi this weekend.

Mikael Hill

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Stress and Anxiety