Stepping Into Change

"If we won, I thought, it would mean that my U.S. Senate campaign hadn't just been dumb luck.

"If we won, it would mean that what had led me into politics wasn't just a pipe dream, that the America I believed in was possible, that the democracy I believed in was within reach.

"If we won, it would mean that I wasn't alone in believing that the world didn't have to be a cold, unforgiving place, where the strong preyed on the weak and we inevitably fell back into clans and tribes, lashing out against the unknown and huddling against the darkness.

"If these beliefs were made manifest, then my own life made sense, and I could then pass on that promise, that version of the world, to my children.

"I had made a bet a long time ago, and this was the point of reckoning. I was about to step over some invisible line, one that would inexorably change my life, in ways I couldn't yet imagine and in ways I might not like. But to stop now, to turn back now, to lose my nerve now—that was unacceptable.

"I had to see how this whole thing played out." — Barack Obama; A Promised Land, p. 78

Friedrich Kunath

For more from the artist, click below:


Loss of the Landline


Change is a Miracle