
I recently finished reading Yuval Noah Harari’s book Sapiens, and what a fascinating recount of our species’ history it is.

Sapiens are adaptive and cooperative like no other animal, which has greatly contributed to our prosperity. We mustn’t forget, however, that we are merely an animal like all other living creatures on this planet. We mustn’t forget their sanctity as equally our own, nor should we neglect other living organisms such as plants and fungi.

For millions of years our early hominid ancestors evolved slowly alongside these living creatures and organisms with respect and gratitude, but over the past several thousand years, Homo Sapiens succeeded in natural selection and rapidly began evolving its means of living and being. The cultural revolutions that occurred, and continue to occur, have redirected our life values, and life itself, far from which our species originally evolved accustomed for.

Let us not forget our past as we continue to rapidly evolve ourselves, and society at large, again. Homo Deus will soon dawn.

Isabel Seliger

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