Ram Dass Reunified

“If we love well, we will die well.

“Making peace with death and being fully in the moment allows us to lose ourselves in love, in the love of the beauty and awe of the manifestation of God, in the love of ourselves and others, and in the love of everything else—the suffering, the pain, the joy.

“We can’t know when we will die, and living without knowing requires surrender, surrendering our hope and fear so we can open our hearts to life and let the compassion grow. Then when death comes, we are ready to go into love, into the Light, toward the One.” — Ram Dass; Walking Each Other Home, p. 77-78

Reunified on Sunday, December 22, 2019, Ram Dass left the bounds of his body, completing his incarnation. His life and being was one of love; of service; of clarity. It is from his books and lectures that I have learned many things, and not only learned but understood; felt; recognized—in my own self and behavior, and grander truths. He typified the life-work of sadhana, from identification with the ego (as Richard Alpert) to the soul (as Baba Ram Dass). His teachings give life, and from his life, a teaching all its own.

With love and compassion, thank you.

Wes Lang

The artist has no social media or website.




Winter Solstice