Quicken Your Ascent

"The way is full of genuine sacrifice.

"The thickets blocking the path are anything that keeps you from that, any fear that you may be broken to bits like a glass bottle. This road demands courage and stamina, yet it's full of footprints!

"Who are these companions? They are rungs in your ladder. Use them! With company you quicken your ascent.

"You may be happy enough going along, but with others you'll get farther, and faster.

"Someone who goes cheerfully by himself to the customs house to pay his traveler's tax will go even more lightheartedly when friends are with him.

"Every prophet sought out companions. A wall standing alone is useless, but put three or four walls together, and they'll support a roof and keep the grain dry and safe.

"When ink joins with a pen, then the blank paper can say something. Rushes and reeds must be woven to be useful as a mat. If they weren't interlaced, the wind would blow them away.

"Like that, God paired up creatures, and gave them friendship." — Rumi; The Essential Rumi: Translated by Coleman Barks, p. 247

Cam Watts (Woo Woo)

For more from the artist, click below:


The Essence of Light


A Daughter