Patience is Everything

Everything is gestation, then giving birth. Letting every impression and every seed of a feeling come to completion entirely on its own—in the dark, the inexpressible, the unconscious, where your intelligence cannot reach—and awaiting with deep humility and patience the moment when a new clarity shall be born: this alone is what it means to live as an artist, in understanding as well as creating.

“Here there is no measuring with time—a year doesn’t matter, ten years are as nothing. Being an artist means not calculating and counting; it means maturing like a tree, which does not force its sap, standing confident in the spring storms without any fear that summer might not come. Summer does come. But only to those who are patient, who live as though eternity stretched out before them vast and silent and unconcerned. I learn this every day, learn it through pain I am grateful for: Patience is everything!” — Rainier Maria Rilke; Letters to a Young Poet: Translated by Damion Searls, p. 15-16

Daniel Liévano

For more from the artist, click below:


A Grievous Decision


Behavioral Racism