Pathways of the Heart

“I am learning the pathways of the heart, Eleanor thought quite seriously, and then wondered what she could have meant by thinking any such thing. It was afternoon, and she sat in the sunlight on the steps of the summerhouse beside Luke; these are the silent pathways of the heart, she thought.

“‘Luke,’ she asked, going slowly for fear of ridicule, ‘why do people want to talk to each other? I mean, what are the things people always want to find out about other people?’

“‘What can I ever know about you, beyond what I see?’ See was the least of the words she might have chosen, but the safest. Tell me something that only I will ever know, was perhaps what she wanted to ask him, or, What will you give me to remember you by?—or, even, Nothing of the least importance has ever belonged to me; can you help?” — Shirley Jackson; The Haunting of Hill House, p. 156-157

Mark Kostabi

For more from the artist, click below:


Together With the Light


A Steaming Mist