Mynah Birds

"'Is that your bird?' Will asked.

"She shook her head.

"'Mynahs are like the electric light,' she said. 'They don't belong to anybody.'

"'Why does he say those things?'

"'Because somebody taught him,' she answered patiently.

"'But why did they teach him those things? Why Attention? Why Here and now?'

"'Well…' She searched for the right words in which to explain the self-evident to this strange imbecile. 'That's what you always forget, isn't it? I mean, you forget to pay attention to what's happening. And that's the same as not being here and now.'

"'And the mynahs fly about reminding you—is that it?'

"She nodded. That, of course, was it." — Aldous Huxley; Island, p. 12

Robert Beatty

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Realized Beings’ True Expression


Dandelion Expression