It’s Everywhere

Another shift in “new normalcy” today in Washington. We can all agree that not being able to dine in at restaurants or go to gyms, and to have entry restrictions for other businesses of our day-to-day lives, sucks. It does. But COVID is everywhere right now and we’ve got to try our best to stop this spreading of it, especially as holiday season approaches.

This pandemic and the rules it’s forced is a frustrating lesson on letting go of control and self-sacrificing for an effort greater than oneself. But as hard as that is to do in this moment, it will come to an end. Which could be grandest lesson of all from this—impermanence. The death around us reminds us of the impermanence of life, and, if we can continue our due diligence, the impermanence of these restrictions will come to their end sooner, rather than later.

Yash Pradhan

For more from the artist, click below:


The Value of Originality


Leaf Allegory