Introducing Sliced

Introducing Phantasm Gallery / Sliced (@phantasmgallery.sliced), an offshoot account of our gallery.

It's the yin to our primary account's yang: a black background opposites the glare of white; an unorthodox display opposes the formal, gallery-style display of the other; and without any negative space for emulating a gallery wall, there are no annoying blank posts (unlike the primary account).

The primary account (@phantasmgallery) will continue in the same manner, but I'm excited to offer now a separate viewer experience more suited to the scrolling-nature of Instagram. Our website ( has also been updated if you haven't visited there for a while—take a look and subscribe to our monthly newsletter to receive an email with all the art we featured the past month, all in one place.

Thank you for the growing interest and support in the gallery and all its iterations! Cheers to change and growth.

Alexa Drake (Leeeeksy)

For more from the artist, click below:


Fear of Eccentricity


Born on a Broad Farm