Holy Mystery of Love

"Gracious and merciful God, at this sacred time we come before you in need, indeed on our knees. But we come still more with hope, and with our eyes raised anew to the vision of a more perfect union in our land—a union of all our citizens to promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

"Today we confess our past failures to live according to our vision of equality, inclusion, and freedom for all. Yet we resolutely commit still more now to renewing the vision, to caring for one another in word and deed, especially the least fortunate among us, and so becoming a light for the world.

"There is a power in each and every one of us that lives by turning to every other one of us—a thrust of the Spirit to cherish and care and stand by others and above all those most in need. It is called love and its path is to give ever more of itself.

"Be with us, Holy Mystery of Love, as we dream together. Help us under our new president to reconcile the people of our land, restore our dream, and invest it with peace and justice and the joy that is the overflow of love.

"To the glory of your name forever. Amen." — Rev. Leo O'Donovan; 2021 Presidential Inauguration Prayer


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