Five Years of Phantasm

I began Phantasm five years ago with a singular purpose: to express myself (creatively, and anonymously). With years come change, and, since that time, this personal endeavor has grown to express so much more than only myself. While that remains, my higher ideal with it now is to express support for artists—whose art is so often devalued and appropriated on social media.

In works of art, we recognize and console. Feelings and experiences that once felt isolated within us, we find depicted by others. There is solace to be found in creative expression, no matter how personally unique your life's story. In works of art we’re awed by beauty, astounded by originality. And by works of art, we're inspired. They move us to emotions unreached, ideas untapped, and insights unrealized. As both viewer and creator, we are expanded by art.

And so it is my ode to art and artist—Phantasm. To reclaim the value of art, and dignity of artists, in this digital age gone rampant. To do so by paying the artists whose work I display in my insignificant domain. And to, one day, pay significant gratuities, give significant exposure, and, as we all hope, earn some sort of personal significance in doing so.



Idle Theory


Intrinsic Worth