Biden’s Inauguration
"This is democracy’s day, a day of history and hope, of renewal and resolve through a crucible for the ages.
"Today, we celebrate the triumph not of a candidate but of a cause, the cause of democracy. The people, the will of the people has been heard and the will of the people has been heeded.
"For all those who supported our campaign, I’m humbled by the faith you placed in us. To all those who did not support us, let me say this: Hear me out as we move forward. Take a measure of me and my heart. If you still disagree, so be it. That’s democracy. That’s America. The right to dissent peaceably within the guardrails of our republic is perhaps our nation’s greatest strength. Yet hear me clearly, disagreement must not lead to disunion.
"Many centuries ago, St. Augustine, a saint in my church, wrote that a people was 'a multitude defined by the common objects of their love.' Defined by the common objects of their love. What are the common objects we as Americans love? That define us as Americans? I think we know: Opportunity; Security; Liberty; Dignity; Respect; Honor; and, yes, the Truth.
"Recent weeks and months have taught us a painful lesson. There is truth and there are lies. Lies told for power and for profit. And each of us has a duty and a responsibility, as citizens, as Americans, and especially as leaders, leaders who have pledged to honor our Constitution and protect our nation, to defend the truth and defeat the lies.
"...the answer is not to turn inward, to retreat into competing factions, distrusting those who don’t look like you; or worship the way you do; or don’t get their news from the same sources you do. We must end this uncivil war that pits red against blue. Rural versus urban, conservative versus liberal. We can do this if we open our souls instead of hardening our hearts.
"And I promise you this, as the Bible says, we may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. We will get through this together! Together!
"’s my message to those beyond our borders: America has been tested and we’ve come out stronger for it. We will repair our alliances and engage with the world once again. Not to meet yesterday’s challenges, but today’s and tomorrow’s challenges. And we’ll lead not merely by the example of our power but by the power of our example.
"And this is certain: I promise you, we will be judged, you and I, by how we resolve these cascading crises of our era. Will we rise to the occasion is the question, will we master this rare and difficult hour? Will we meet our obligation and pass along a new and better world to our children? I believe we must; I’m sure you do as well. I believe we will. And when we do, we’ll write the next great chapter in the history of the United States of America, the American story.
"And together we shall write an American story of hope, not fear. Of unity, not division. Of light, not darkness. A story of decency and dignity; love and healing; greatness and goodness. May this be the story that guides us; the story that inspires us and the story that tells ages yet to come that we answered the call of history.
"So, with purpose and resolve, we turn to those tasks of our time, sustained by faith, driven by conviction and devoted to one another and the country we love with all our hearts." — Joe Biden; Inaugural Address, 2021
James Steinberg
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