All Three Counts

"Just before the taping of our show today the verdict was announced in the trial of Derek Chauvin: He was found guilty on all three counts of the death of George Floyd. After ten hours of deliberation, a jury in Minneapolis decided that it's illegal for the police to murder people—that black lives matter.

"It's hard to celebrate, because a man is still dead, but there is a sense of relief that at least this one injustice was not compounded with indifference. It easily could have gone the other way. No matter what you saw on that tape, this nation doesn't have a great track record on this subject. But at least in this case, this man faces accountability.

"But justice is a far more difficult goal. America still has a problem with over-policing and systemic racism, but, hopefully this is a step toward a future where police being held accountable for their actions isn't headline material, and a hope that accountability today, is a deterrent tomorrow.

"But this is just one stop; there is more work to be done. And it's work that all of us should be committed to because, as Ben Crump, the Floyd family lawyer, reminded us today, 'justice for black America is justice for all America.'" — Stephen Colbert; The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Lorenzo Gritti

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Turning Out Differently


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