A Net for Catching Days

“We as human beings cannot ever truly possess, to steal a phrase from one of my favorite writers, Annie Dillard, a ‘net for catching days.’ Not a reliable one, anyway.

“The nets of memory are all riddled with holes, and most of our days will pass right through them. But though they won’t be caught, those days will still be lived. They still matter.

“What my mom [who has Alzheimer’s disease] reminds me of amid all her forgotten moments is that the only moment we can catch is the one we are in right now. But this moment, however grievous or joyful or ordinary, comes with an invitation to notice it. This very second is a gift to be received, a blessing offered in love that we did not earn and cannot cling to.” — Tish Harrison Warren; The New York Times—Our Memory Is Flawed. Luckily, God’s Isn’t.

Isaac LeFever (Nice Triangle)

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Loosening Stuck Brains


Expectations of a College Graduate