{42} For Rosie

A client very dear to me passed away this morning while I was at her bedside. It was supremely special to be present with her as she transitioned beyond this physical realm, and I can only hope that my presence aided in her graceful release from this life. She was very much at peace in her final moments, and I am at peace knowing that she died with dignity in the comfort of her home. It was a privilege to serve as her caregiver during the final months of her life, and to have developed such a close connection with her and her family. Affirmation has swept over me, as I’ve now fully experienced the honor of end-of-life servitude. With my being, I will continue attending to the physical, psychological, and spiritual needs of those during the dying process; compassionately, respectfully, and mindfully.

[rose emoji]

Alex Grey & Amy Lincoln

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{43} Desires


{41} Spirituality Defined